Exhibition Very happy that my work Encounter I and Encounter III have been selected to be part of the Limburg Biënnale taking place in Marres, Maastricht.

Grant I am one of the selected artists to receive a Voucher to attend the Preview of the Venice Biennale 2024 organised by the Mondriaan Fund. This opportunity allows artists to see the Biennale and meet inspiring art professionals.
Grant I am very happy to have received the Voucher Ontwikkeling grant by the Mondriaan Fund. With this grant I will learn and develop new skills in order to create and design new costumes for my performances.
Exhibition The Things That Finds Us during Rotterdam Art Week is a self-organised exhibition together with Ceola Tunstall-Behrens, Florian Braakman, Liza Wolters and Rawad Baaklini.
Kindly supported by CBK R'DAM.

Artist in Residence From the 1st of May until the 31st of July 2023 I will be working in the Project Space of Het Wilde Weten on a new project. Kindly supported by Stichting Stokroos and Cultuurfonds.
Interview Alex de Vries interviewed me in my studio and wrote an insightful article on Mister Motley.

Interview Puck Kroon wrote a piece about my residency project La Sobremesa at Witte Rook.
Interview The Team of Rizoom came to my studio and we have a chat on my practice. Listen to it here.
Featured My work An Unforeseen Encounter was featured in the article De 'Prospects' van Art Rotterdam 2022 published on Mister Motley. You can read the article here.
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